In our commitment to openness, transparency and accountability as a charity, we are making our policies publicly available to read.
Clicking on the purple link will allow you to open the policy in a new tab without needing to download it. Alternatively you can click the button to dowload the policy if you want to.
01 BMI Equal Opportunities Policy
02 BMI Holiday Policy (revised September 2023)
03 BMI Maternity and Family Friendly Policy
04 BMI Flexible Working Policy
09 BMI Harassment and Bullying Policy
11 BMI Performance Management Policy
12 BMI Sickness Policy (revised September 2023)
13 BMI Drugs and Alcohol Policy
19 BMI Health and Safety Policy
21 BMI Communications Strategy & Policy
23 BMI Gifts to the Institute Acceptance Policy
24 BMI Library Collections Management Policy
26 BMI Building Management Policy
27 BMI Freedom of Speech Policy

The Library
Featuring over 120,000 books
The BMI Library, traces its origins back to 1779, when button manufacturer John Lee, founded it. This private lending library was categorised in 1781 by Dr Joseph Priestley.