Full Membership (with Voting Rights)
£250.00 Corporate Membership
£75.00 Single Membership
£100.00 Joint Membership (both Members must be registered under the one address only)
£60.00 Country Membership (the Member must be resident 15 miles or more from Birmingham and not commuting daily to the city on business or have a second address within the 15 miles from the city)
£50.00 Retired Membership
£75.00 Joint Retired Membership
£25.00 Student/Unwaged Membership (Valid Student Card/proof required)
Junior Membership (no Voting rights)
£15.00 Single Membership (Under 18)
Affiliated Membership (no Voting Rights)
£100 Affiliated Membership for Charities and Community Interest Groups who share the same Objects of the Institute
Full Membership
Use of the Members’ Room
Use of the Library
Discount in the BMI Coffee Lounge
Discount or free entry to BMI Lectures and Events
Voting at the AGM
In addition, Corporate Members get:
Free one-day (or two half days, or part thereof) use of the Lyttelton Theatre
Four free half-day (3 hours) bookings of rooms up to 10 people
In addition, Corporate Members may become Affiliated Members to avail themselves
of the 15% discount on room bookings
Junior Membership
Use of the Library
Discount in the BMI Coffee Lounge
Discount or free entry to BMI Lectures and Events
Affiliated Membership
15% discount off all room bookings
Full Details of Membership Rules are contained in Part B of the Articles of Association, a copy of which will be sent to all new members. To join, simply follow this link and fill in your details.

The Library
Featuring over 120,000 books
The BMI Library, traces its origins back to 1779, when button manufacturer John Lee, founded it. This private lending library was categorised in 1781 by Dr Joseph Priestley.